Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’
So Bush speaks of the “wonder-working power of volunteerism” and the Left has a conniption but Obama quotes straight out of the Koran and no one so much as murmurs. People are never threatened by those who don’t believe what they say.
I wrote a few weeks ago about an online method for memorizing scripture. I have been using it for a few weeks now and have nothing but good to report. I have currently memorized 22 bible verses (actually, I’m in the processing of memorizing them) and am making steady progress. The interval between reviews seems to be just right although some of the more difficult / Â longer verses I find myself forgetting quicker. It appears that the algorithm adapts so that the more difficult you find a verse, the less it increases the interval after each successful repetition.
Another feature that I like is that you can string together multiple bible verses and memorize them as a set. This should be helpful when I tackle my eventual goal of memorizing Romans!