Posts Tagged ‘Bort’

8th February
written by simplelight

I highly recommend Bort when you’re starting a new Ruby on Rails project. Assuming you’re using MySQL, the following steps are all that are necessary to get started:

  1. Download and unzip Bort into project folder
  2. Edit the database.yml and the settings.yml files
  3. Create the database: mysqladmin -u <username> -p create <db_name_development>
  4. If you’re using Dreamhost: add ‘host: mysql.<dbhostname>.com’ to your database.yml file (in the production environment)
  5. rake db:migrate
7th February
written by simplelight

The following gems and plugins are the most popular as of Nov 12th, 2008:

  • Javascript Framework: jQuery (56%), Prototype (43%)
  • Skeleton: Bort
  • Mocking: Mocha
  • Exception Notification: Hoptoad
  • Full text search: Thinking Sphinx
  • Uploading: Paperclip
  • User authentication: Restful_authentication (keep an eye on Authlogic)
  • HTML/XML Parsing: Hpricot
  • View Templates: Haml

NewRelic has a good article on the state of the Rails stack.