Unfortunately, the New Relic performance monitor for Ruby on Rails doesn’t work with mod_rails (Passenger). According to a support email from them it currently “only supports mongrel and thin (without sockets)”. They plan to support Passenger in the future. That’s great news because they provide an excellent performance monitoring tool which is very easy to install and use.
Update: New Relic has added support for mod_rails. I received this email from their excellent customer support:
I was just digging through my support emails and found a few people who had inquired about RPM supporting Phusion Passenger, aka mod_rails.
I wanted to let you know that we released a version of the agent with ‘beta’ support for Passenger.
If you’re interested, check it out and let us know how it works for you!
To try it out, just do:
script/install –force http://svn.newrelic.com/rpm/agent/newrelic_rpm
Bill Kayser
New Relic RPM Developer
Hi there,
Just a quick update, about 10 days ago New Relic announced Beta support for mod_rails (Passenger)/Litespeed. Beta Support means we have customers using New Relic RPM for performance management and monitoring of their Rails apps built on mod_rails, but still expect a few bugs to pop up. We expect the Beta support for mod_rails to move from Beta to GA in the next two or three weeks at the outside